What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope
85 Years Ago Sept. 16, 1936
13 Years Ago
Sept. 16, 1936
Miss Ardis and Ellen and Willis Marlatt left last Friday morning to enroll at the Colorado State Agriculture college for the coming year.
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Larson of Nebraska have purchased the Wages store from Mrs. S.E. Williams. The Larsons will take possession the first of September.
Lloyd Adamson left Haxtun Tuesday morning for Denver to attend the national encampment of the Veterans of Foreign Wars.
Paoli News - Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Seeman, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Vollmer and son of Holyoke, and H.A. Flaker and Minerva were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ervin...
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