What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

85 years ago March 27, 1935

85 years ago - March 27, 1935

The Haxtun Harvest

Three groups of charivari parties visited Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Miller last Wednesday evening and gave the newlywed a rousing homecoming to the community. The first to entertain the couple was an older group of friends who stayed but short time. The second party included a number of Highland Center friends. Later in the evening, the Haxtun young people brought Mr. and Mrs. Miller to town for the inescapable wheelbarrow ride. After a visiting an abandoned house north of town, they returned to their home.

The home of L. E. Fitzgerald was the scene of a lovely three-course dinner Tuesday evening. Guests for the affair includes Messrs. And Mesdames M. E. Thornhill, Emil Bentson, Arthur Ahnstedt, M. B. Schmelzel, H. W. Hasley, Ray Phillips, Bietz.

Mrs. A.J. Anderson, 76, one of the older residents of the Haxtun and Fairfield communities, passed away Tuesday morning, March 26, 1935, at a hospital in Haxtun. She came to America from Sweden 46 years ago. She is survived by three sons, Charles, John and Gust Anderson.

Funeral Services were held at Holyoke Wednesday afternoon for Mrs. Frank Salvador, 57, who passed away at a hospital Sunday, March 24, 1935. She is survived by six children, Mrs. Frank Lett, Mary Fern, Asa, Cecil, Elgin, Richard, Harley and Percy.

40 years ago

April 3, 1980

The Haxtun Herald

Friday's snowstorm effectively shut down travel in the Haxtun area. A number of vehicles were left in the streets as their drivers found the snow too deep to drive through. About 18 inches of snow fell during the Friday's storm with more added in snowfall Tuesday and Wednesday.

Norm Duell of Julesburg has been named to the President's Club of Western Farm Bureau Life Insurance Co., it was announced by Jack K. Hallowell, Executive Vice President of the company. The award is the highest accorded Western Farm Bureau agents.

The Webelo Scout held their drawing for the tennis shoe skates at their meeting. Curt Jeffryes won the skates and Russell Kinzie was the top salesman and he received a tennis racquet and a can of balls.

Haxtun had one girl named to the Lower Platte Activities Association honorable mention basketball team as only four of the eight LPAA teams had players placed on the all-conference team. Arlene Weers, a junior, received honorable mention.

These Haxtun FBLA members placed at the recent State FBLA contest; Karen Wilson and Andrea Whitmore, tenth in scrapbooking competition, Kelli Harris, seventh in Business Math I; Mike Hainley, ninth in Data Processing I; Darry Stansbury, sixth in Data Processing II; Shelly Burton and Lori Wilson, fourth in poster competition; Ruth Knott, third in office procedures; Corina Widgery, third in Miss FBLA and eighth in activities report; and Shelly Stansbury, third in Data Processing I.

Fleming News – The World Problems Class under the direction of Mr. Dubbs went to Denver on a field trip this week. They took in the Denver Detention Facility, Trial Courts, County Prison Facility, Denver Mint, American Civil Liberties Union and the various social strata of Denver. They also took in the Denver Police Department facility especially the Radio Dispatch center and Police Museum.

Mrs. Larry Barkley picked up 13 big baggies of aluminum cans from Bonnie Morris Saturday to take them in to Sterling. The United Methodist Church has taken the project to help raise money for the church pension fund. The project will continue. Bonnie is glad to have a place for them in her back yard.

Miss Joan Koehler, bride-elect of Bruce Unrien was honored with a Bridal shower Sunday at St. Peters Hall. Hostess for the affair were Netty Koehler, Ruth Koehler, Marguerite Koehler, Colleta Koehler, Ann Wernsman, Pat Vemec, Lucille McMillan, Polly Koehler, Delores Koehler, Della Hastings, Tillie Comeho, Donna Trout, Irene Graber, and Vina Helgoth.

20 years ago

March 29, 2000

The Haxtun Herald

Fleming's Percussion Ensemble entertained Phillips County Republicans during the Lincoln Day Dinner Friday night. Members of the group are Aaron Lopez, Brian Schaefer, Adam Schlenz, Craig Brownell and Tommy Unrien. They are led by Cory Stopper, director of music at Fleming High School. Stopper said the percussion group is separate band class started last year.

A search for a stolen four-wheeler turned up over $50,000 worth of hot cigarettes. The cache of stone cigarettes was discovered on Tuesday, March 21, at an abandoned farm southeast of Haxtun by officials of the Phillips County Sheriff's Office. McBee said a search for the four-wheeler that was reported stolen from Kurtzer's on Saturday, March 18, led officials to the abandoned farm.

Fleming Wildcat Tracksters for 2000 are Ryan Etl, David Bock, Greg Kraich, Nate Marshall, Grant Christopher, Robert Kleumola, Jan Reznicek, Jason Stone, Cole LaMont, Tommy Unrien and Dwight Bivens.

Fleming Lady Wildcat tracksters for 2000 are Scarlet LaMont, Amanda Anderson, Pam Lambert, Katie Beamer, Kathy Anderson, Rachel Francis, Kelsey Miles, Amanda Lopez, Megan Hart, Kendra Bornhoft, and Emily Heaton.

Keith Lick, Haxtun High School's athletic director has been singled out for Honored 2A Athletic Director of the year by the Colorado Athletic Director Association executive committee. Lick was chosen over nominees from athletic leagues throughout Colorado as this year's choice.

10 years ago

April 7, 2010

The Haxtun-Fleming Herald

Jake Tori takes off from the starting line at the Haxtun Easter Egg Hunt on April 3. The Easter bunny hid eggs and all sorts of treasures for youngsters in the Haxtun Park on Saturday morning. Haxtun High School's National Honor Society sponsored the Easter Egg Hunt. Jake, a preschooler, is the son of Craig and Jamie Tori, Haxtun.

Tate Michael looks over all the goodies in his Easter basket with his mother Sara after the Haxtun Easter Egg Hunt. Tate is the son of Kelly and Sara Michael, Haxtun.


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