What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

85 years ago - May 8, 1935

13 years ago

May 8, 1935

The Haxtun Harvest

It is the Silver Jubilee of the accession to the throngs of King George V and Queen Mary of the British Empire.

Fairfield News - Mrs. Severin of Greeley is here visiting with her daughters, Mrs. Rickard Roos and family.

Bryant News - Frank Freemyer had the misfortune to lose one of his good milk cows last week. Mrs. Frank Freemyer was fortunate enough to find a $20 bill in Haxtun Friday, but she also found the owner, which was fortunate for the owner.

Good Hope News - The Jolly Neighbors Club met with Mrs. Chas Adamson Thursday afternoon and elected...


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