What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Fleming Schools welcomes new staff members

When school started in mid-August, Fleming schools welcomed three new teachers including Danielle Wernsman, first grade teacher, and Rylie Salyards, high school business teacher. The new line up of staff members also includes new music instructor Laurianna May.

Danielle Wernsman

Danielle Wernsman takes over Fleming's first grade classroom as former first grade teacher Kortney Firme takes on her new role of principal this year. Wernsman brings with her more than 12 years of experience in education.

Wernsman graduated from Merino High School in 2003 and later earned her degree in Early Childhood Education. Over the past decade, she has worked in several educational settings including RE-1 Valley Schools, Fleming Schools and with the Northeast Colorado Board of Educational Services. She has worked as both a preschool teacher and director as well as served as a substitute teacher and an early childhood special education provider.

"I chose to pursue a career in the field of education because I love making a difference I the lives of young children," Wernsman said. "And because working with young children is always fun and engaging."

Wernsman is currently attending the University of Nebraska - Kearney and will graduate in December with a relatively new degree in Education Inclusion. She will also receive dual endorsements in the field of general education and special education.

"My favorite aspect of being in the classroom is making connections with each student," she said. "Showing them that learning can be fun and engaging."

Wernsman lives in Fleming with her husband, Nick, and their two sons, Colson and Brody.

With an extensive background in special education, Wernsman brings with her a unique, deep understanding of how children learn and develop, something she says comes from her time in early childhood special education.

"This year I am most excited to get back into the classroom setting in order to bring learning to life for all my first-grade students," Wernsman said. "I am also excited to see what each student will teach me. Each school year I learn from my students just as they learn from me."

In her free time, Wernsman enjoys spending time on their family farm, going to the lake and developing new and engaging ways to teach students.

Rylie Salyards

There are many life skills students can learn in the classroom and for new Business Teacher Rylie Salyards, bringing those skills to the classroom is what helped her choose a career path in teaching.

"There are so many life skills that students can learn in business classes such as how to make a budget, how to file their taxes, typical account principals, ethics and so much more that they will use in their daily lives after high school. Our jobs are to prepare them to be the next generation that is ready to be in the workforce," Salyards said. "By being a business teacher, I have the opportunity to help teach students life skills that will carry them far after they leave our doors."

Salyards, an Iliff native, graduated from Caliche High School and later attended the University of Wyoming to study business management with an emphasis in human resources and a minor in decision science. She is currently finishing the Master of Business Administration program through the University of Northern Colorado.

While finishing her undergraduate degree, Salyards coached gymnastics, worked in accounts payable for the University's Residence Life and Dining Services and also worked at a real estate agency handling all property management. After graduating from the University of Wyoming, she went onto work at Northeastern Junior College in the student success office.

"I traveled to different high schools in our five-county service area to teach seniors about career development and college readiness," she said. "I also helped host events at the college and advised students with their academic studies. I have been in the classroom helping students with career development and readiness, but this is my first official year teaching."

In addition to teaching, Salyards will also take on the role as FBLA advisor and teach yearbook.

"My favorite part of being in the classroom is the relationships that I get to build with the students while teaching them a subject I am very passionate about," Salyards said.

In the summer of 2019, Salyards married Haxtun native Dalton Salyards, who farms, and the two currently make their home in Iliff with their dog, Remi. When she isn't in the classroom, Salyards does free-lance website design for local ranchers and also coaches gymnastics to girls ages three through 18. She also enjoys baking, crafting and traveling to National Parks.

"The importance of business and students being educated in business principals is the reason that I chose this career path," Salyards added. "I am very passionate in helping others grow and become the best version of themselves and I believe being a business teacher allows me to push students to gain practical skills."

Salyards brings a unique experience in many different areas of business to the classroom in Fleming. "Sharing these experiences with students allows them to see first-hand how principals and procedures are used in daily business life outside of school," she said. "I am most excited to teach finance and accounting classes to high school students. I am also excited to get students involved in FLBA where they can further their business skills by networking, exploring and presenting events."

Editor's note: New music teacher Laurianna May did not respond to the Herald's request for a new teacher story.


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