What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Town of Haxtun seeks website design grant

The Haxtun Town Council took first steps in applying for grants to help set up a website. Council members voted to approve an agreement with SIPA, the Statewide Internet Portal Authority, with plans to apply for a grant that would cover website design.

According to Town Clerk Karie Wilson, the Town of Haxtun website would be hosted by the State but would give the local municipality options for posting online forms and information as well as a payment portal.

The first step in the process, she said, is to approve the SIPA agreement, which council members did during their October regular monthly meeting. The next grant application cycle opens in November and the Town of Haxtun plans to apply for funding to help cover website design, which is expected to cost $6,500.

SIPA is a state-wide IT avenue for all state and local governments, special districts, public schools and universities. Grant applications are due at the end of December with an expected announcement for winners in mid-February.

Since 2010, SIPA has awarded more than 250 grants and over $1.1 million to governments across the State in hopes to connect Colorado residents to government by putting more information and services online.

During the October meeting, Superintendent Ron Carpenter gave an update on the Street Committee. The committee formed recently with hopes to work collectively to establish a plan for bettering streets in Haxtun.

Carpenter said he and Council Member Mike Ensminger met with representatives from Simon, a local road construction company. According to Wilson, the Council would like to move forward with looking into a bond that would allow for 20 blocks worth of street work. The Town of Haxtun is nearing the end of their current bond, passed several years ago for Haxtun’s new main street. That bond is set to expire in 2025, however the Council wishes to move forward with a new project before waiting for the current bond to expire.

Plans are to continue discussions on a future project during work sessions and upcoming meetings.

The Council also continued discussions around supplying water to residents outside city limits. The issue has been brought up in the past both by council members and residents requesting the service.

Currently the Town of Haxtun does not have guidelines in place to supply water service outside of town limits but hopes are to gather information and work towards doing so should it be requested again. Council members plan to continue discussions on the topic at future work sessions.

In other business:

• Council members and employees discussed 2021 budget wishes including a grant writer, a new patrol car and tasers for the police department and a new tractor and mini excavator for the maintenance crew as well as continuing with the current curb and gutter program. Budget planning is in the initial stages with final approval in December;

• Police Chief Tanya Mayhew said she is actively seeking an officer for her department. The Haxtun Police Department had one cadet in the academy but that individual recently withdrew so HPD is again looking for an officer;

• Approved a memorandum of understanding with the Colorado Department of Revenue for control of confidential data, the MOU contained annual updated information;

• Council members continued discussions on COVID-19 relief funds, barricades have been purchased with funds;

• The following building permits were approved: Cesar Mendoza, 633 Fairview for a basement; Josh Wernsman, 522 North Logan Avenue for a re-roof; Jacque Vance, 117 South Logan Avenue for a re-roof; John Heater 242 South Lincoln Avenue to repair a fence; Winston Ham, 715 Fairview for a carport; Cesar Mendoza, 633 Fairview for an addition to a basement; Sheri West, 230 South Lincoln for a re-roof, gutters and siding; Dora Gregory, 109 North Washington Avenue for a re-roof; Richard Kurtzer, 350 East Strohm Street for a re-roof; Wyatt Workman, 602 West Fletcher Street for a carport.


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