What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Times Past

85 Years Ago - Nov. 20, 1935

85 Years Ago

Nov. 20, 1935

List of contestants who have signified a willingness to share in the handsome prize awards that The Haxtun Harvest is offering free in its subscription drive contest: Lillian Cronquist, Fairfield; Mrs. Leslie E. Gabel, Dailey; Sarah Hafeman, Fleming; Mrs. A.R. Haskins, Haxtun; Mrs. Howard Lindgren, R.F.D. No. 1; Mrs. J.L. Lingle, Haxtun; Mrs. Carl Lundgren, R.F.D. No. 1; Mrs. Velma Plank, Fleming; Mary Fern Salvador, Wages; and Mrs. Ella W. Sharpe, Haxtun.

Good Hope P.T.A.: Howard Lindgren has been helping Marin Anderson shuck corn the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Lindgren called at the Frank Daley home Friday.

Good Hope: Mr. and Mrs. Donald Whittington are having their children vaccinated against the whooping cough.

Highland Center: Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bergner from Omaha arrived last week to take possession of his father's farm so that his aged parents may retire.

Philorado: Miss Ethelyn Starkebaum was an overnight guest of Anita Biesemeier of Haxtun Friday night.

New Haven: Following their marriage at Sheridan Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiebers were guests at a wedding dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. John Wiebers, parents of the groom on Sunday evening, Nov. 17.

70 Years Ago

Nov. 22, 1950

New community committee members were elected in Phillips County Wednesday, Nov. 15, for the Production Marketing Association set-up. Those chosen: Amherst, George Rafert, Harold Block, Emil Heerman, alternates Walter Leben and E.C. Schmidt. Holyoke, Glen L. Lewis, V.S. Smith, George Trumper, alternates Guy Pope and Willis Demmel. Paoli, John Harms, Ernest Mattson, Leo Mailander, alternates Lawrence Heerman and Ivan Knode. Haxtun, Merle Switzer, Clinton Jeffers, Fred Heaston, alternates Hoyt Berdick and Leonard Sharpe.

Miss Joy Monteith underwent major surgery Saturday morning at the Good Samaritan Hospital in Sterling. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Monteith, spent Sunday in Sterling with her.

Fleming: Mrs. Dean Hill was delightfully surprised with a pink and blue shower following a breakfast held in the home of Mrs. Lorin C. Davis Wednesday morning, Nov. 15. Mrs. Davis was assisted by Mrs. Albert Miles. Guests present were Mrs. Orville Heath, Mrs. Paul Lambert, Mrs. Ray Munday, Mrs. Lee West, Mrs. Sam Langdon, Mrs. Earl Cheney, Mrs. Ivan Force, Mrs. I.E. Kramer, Mrs. Ada Mackey, Mrs. Amson Burton, Mrs. Alva Gillespie and Mrs. Art Call.

45 Years Ago

Nov. 20, 1975

Graveside services were held Nov. 4 at the Haxtun cemetery for Aaron Michael West, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. George West of Boulder.

Haxtun's new clothing store, C and F Clothing, will be open officially Thursday morning at 9 a.m. Charles Luellen and Floyd Knudeen, owners, are natives of the Yuma area and presently own the C and F Clothing store in Yuma.

Ron Wilkins, publisher, and Karen Smith, editor of the Haxtun Herald, made every effort to have this week's issue in the mail on schedule. Heavy blowing snow closed roads leading to the central plant, making it impossible to have this week's paper delivered on time, making the Herald late with its second issue.

Picture: Melinda Miller, Todd Smith and Dennis Holcomb recently spent several days in Kansas City, Mo., attending the National FFA Convention.

Bulldogs defeat Hayden, 12-8, boosting the team into the number one position in this week's polls. Tony Ham figured in both touchdowns in Saturday's semi-final football game in Hayden. He hit Doug Lick with a 74-yards pass play for the first touchdown and carried the ball into the end zone from one yard out for the winning score.

20 Years Ago

Not. 22, 1990

Deaths: Effie Applegarth, Nov. 12, 1990; Ada Rudel, Nov. 14, 1990; and Addie May Monk, Nov. 14, 1990.

Popularity has its price, as Dean Smith found out on Friday. Dean received the most penny votes in a contest held to raise money for Haxtun's cheerleaders. Dean's prize was a chance to kiss a pig. Dean, in his usual good humor, accepted the prize in earnest. The girls raised $48.08 for the cause.

A precious addition: Dave and Connie Wilkening recently welcomed their adopted daughter Amanda Sue.

Joy Bauder, Troy Bauder and Jan Wiebers, all of Fleming, will be among 44 Northeastern Junior College students who will appear in the 1991 edition of Who's Who Among Students in Junior Colleges.

10 Years Ago

Nov. 24, 2010

An accident on the evening of Wednesday, Nov. 17 resulted in the arrest of two adults for driving under the influence of alcohol and child abuse. A six-year-old boy in the vehicle sustained serious bodily injury during the one-vehicle crash on Logan County Road 89.

The Fleming school/community library will soon benefit from a $37,000 grant awarded through the Colorado State Library. Linda Conn, Librarian, presented the grant information to members of the Fleming Board of Education during a meeting on Nov. 16.


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