What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Times Past

85 Years Ago - Feb. 19, 1936

85 Years Ago

Feb. 19, 1936

A proposal for the purchase of the American Legion Hall by the Town of Haxtun will be placed before the voters at the regular town election this coming April. The purchase price of the hall has been set at $4,000. The Town would buy the building by issuing bonds. The Legion Hall was erected in 1926. During the ten years that the building has been in use, it had been rented to various organizations and has served as a public dance hall. Since its erection, the Legion hall has been used for practically every public gathering held in Haxtun. The Town has not been called upon to furnish a community hall due to the fact that the Legion hall has served in this measure for almost every event.

Inspection of all automobiles in Colorado as a measure of public safety will begin on March 1, it has been announced by State Treasurer Charles M. Armstrong. The inspection will be made twice a year, giving particular attention to the lights, brakes, horns, and other safety appliances.

Park and Rex Gullion drove to Denver Thursday afternoon to look after business affairs for a few days. Rex is now enrolled in the Capitol Hill Pharmacy School in that city.

70 Years Ago

Feb. 21, 1951

The will of the late Mrs. Mabel A. Dehmer, Denver, bequeaths the residue of her estate to the Northeast Colorado Memorial Hospital at Haxtun, after several small bequests are made. Mrs. Dehmer was never a resident of Haxtun or the Haxtun community herself, but her brother, Tom P. Detamore, resided at Haxtun several years ago and had land interest in Phillips County.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Radford Jr. have installed a walk-in refrigerator in their home which will enable them at all times to keep a supply of cut flowers on hand for local demand for all bridal bouquets, corsages for all occasions, and flowers for weddings and funerals.

Miss Mary Ellen Davis and Rex Faules, popular couple of Haxtun's younger set, were quietly married in Holyoke on St. Valentine's Day. Attendants at the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Ham. The young couple will make their home here and have taken over the management of the Farmers produce station, recently operated by the bride's father.

Three University of Colorado students who attended Haxtun High School were on the honor list of students who made a two-point or above average for the fall quarter. They are Patricia Buck, Richard L. Griffith and Virginia Kinzie. A two-point average is equivalent in letter grades to a B.

45 Years Ago

Feb. 19, 1976

Haxtun Community Bank will hold an open house on Saturday, Feb. 21, in their new banking facility located on South Colorado Avenue in Haxtun. Present directors are James H. Oliver from Grand Island, Neb.; chairman of the board, Lloyd Nelson, Haxtun; secretary, Ronald L. Moore, Denver; Keith Gilliland, Haxtun; Phillip Ruch, Haxtun; Howard Prouty, Dailey; and Tommy Thompson, Haxtun. Phillip Ruch is the only director who served on the board when the bank was chartered and is still sitting on the board of decision makers.

Queen Melanie Hofmeister and King Jeff Franson were crowned Saturday night at the Sweetheart Dance. Judy Hinde, Joanie Koch, Tom Wilson and Ron Liufau attended them. Colorado people who were in Texas gathered at the Henry Lamber home for a carry-in supper were: Mr. and Mrs. Vic Yost and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Yost of Harlingen, Texas, Mr. and Mrs. Hubbert Clark of Alamo, Texas, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bjorklun of Pharr, Texas, Mr. and Mrs. August Krehmeyer of Alamo, Texas, Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord Goddard of Dailey, Mr. and Mrs, Art Wheeler and Jane of Haxtun, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cheney and Marjorie Benjamin.

30 Years Ago

Feb. 21, 1991

Fleming School Board members and community leaders continue to study the possibility of a combined school/community library. Although the school paid off its bonds last fall, a new bond issue would be needed for the addition and that means increased taxes.

Millie Lightsey put some finishing touches on the valentine board at Haxtun Hospital District Nursing Home. Lightsey and other Happy Hands on Duty volunteers placed resident wedding photos on the board for Valentine's Day.

Haxtun Schools science fair winners: Casey Sumpter was awarded first place out of the eighth grade class in the physical science and engineering division as well as the most-attractive award for her project. Senaida Kinzie was awarded first place out of the sixth grade class in the zoology division and was division champion. Other division winners: Toby Anderson, health and behavioral science; Melissa Free, physical science engineering and overall champion; Casey Goddard, most unique; and Kristi Colerick, earth science.

Merle Koch recently drove his cattle from the Kenneth Gueck farm two miles west and four north of Haxtun to the Gary Koch farm four miles south and one west of Haxtun. Riders included Gary Koch and Kirk Lowry, with Merle Koch and Damon Koch following in pickups.

10 Years Ago

Feb. 16, 2011

After countless hours and several years of hard work, the Haxtun Childcare Center is in the beginning stages of construction. Haxtun Childcare Coalition members ChristiAnne Gibson and Alicia Schram presented plan details to members of the Haxtun Town Council during a meeting on Feb. 7. The two also asked for the Town's support in hosting a Great Outdoors Colorado grant for playground equipment at the Childcare Center.

Eugene and Marjorie (Bledsoe) Brown, Fleming, celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary on Feb. 14, 2011. The couple married in Saint Frances, Kan. On Feb. 14, 1946 and was blessed with two children, Peggy and Randy. They also have seven grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.

Jim and Shirley Pauli, Yuma, will be celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary on Saturday, Feb. 26. The couple married in 1951.


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