What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Strokes from other Pens

Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor,

Haxtun was my first home in life, provided me with a community I am proud of, a school system that educated and prepared me for receiving a Colorado State University degree, a church home and many friends and memories.

I have received my hometown newspaper for years and look forward to every weekly edition. However, the July 21, 2021 issue disturbed me enough to write this letter. The cartoon on page four sent a strong message to me that is very serious and certainly not funny.

The world is dealing with a pandemic that is real! Many of us have taken the responsible step and received our vaccinations with gratitude and thankfulness for the scientists, doctors, medical community and public health systems who have made it possible. Over the past year my thoughts and memory go back to the early 1950s when many of us lined up in the Ralph Scott building on main street, that later became Dr. Ridenour’s office, and got our first polio vaccination and followed up later with boosters in sugar cubes.

I was a young child, but old enough to know my parents and most citizens were so grateful for the miracle of the Salk vaccine that ended the dreadful polio epidemic.

Politics, misinformation and weird theories weren’t a part of that historic breakthrough, just good science and common sense. I care for my fellow citizens and encourage anyone not vaccinated to do so immediately.

If not for yourself, but for your children, loved ones, neighbors and fellow man. The unvaccinated are holding the difficult final piece for controlling this deadly virus.

Dorothy (Dix) Schild,



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