What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Students earn impressive NWEA scores

Fall student test scores, a new student services program and a bid for electric work for the new bus barn all topped action items in a recent Frenchman Board of Education meeting in September. Principal Kortney Firme reported on NWEA test scores during her repot at the start of the meeting.

“Test scores were impressive,” said Superintendent Steve McCracken in later follow up. “We tested our kids right at the beginning of the school year and most of our students were at or above their goal.”

McCracken said the District will test again at the end of the year to help determine if students have made a year’s worth of growth in a year’s worth of time.

NWEA is a research-based organization that supports students and educators worldwide by creating assessment solutions that measure growth and proficiency while also providing insights to help tailor instruction. NWEA has developed pre-K through 12th grade assessments and professional learning to help students along their optimal learning paths.

NWEA test are taken by students twice a year; once in the fall and again in the spring.

During her monthly report, Firme was recognized by her admin team for the selection to the Principal Leadership Institute. The program, McCracken said, will last an entire year while Firme attends leadership seminars and monthly workshops. As part of the program, Firme will also have a mentor that will coach her along and be on-site at school.

“Her principal mentor will be coaching her and will be on site to help create a collective efficacy that will result in positive student outcomes,” McCracken said.

During action items, board members approved the purchase of a new student data program call Alma. Alma is a cloud-based school management program that is accessible by school staff, students and parents. Fleming plans to implement the new program in the 2022-23 school year.

“Alma is very robust and ties in with the Colorado Department of Education and their reporting requirements very nicely,” McCracken said.

Alma will replace the PowerSchool program Fleming has currently been using. Haxtun School recently purchased and implemented the program as well.

The local Board of Education also approved a bid for electric work in a new bus barn in Fleming. The bid, from Expert Electric, totals $9,200. McCracken said site work for the new bus barn has started.

Fleming board members approved the new bus barn in August while accepting a bid from American Building System for a 50 foot by 90 foot building that will include six bays. The new building will be located on the vacant lot south of the ag shop, just south of the main school building.

The bid accepted by the local school board from American Building Systems totals $92,165.

In other business:

• Board members heard from junior high and high school Language Arts Teacher Denise King. King said students in her literature class are currently reading In Cold Blood, which took place near Holcomb, Kan. She hopes, in the near future, to take her students to the site where the incident-based book and movie occurred;

• Math Teacher Derek Feather gave a report on the new math program he teaches in his classroom. Feather implemented the new program from Pearson two years ago. The teacher expressed some concern with the Board regarding the number of 12th graders who are not taking a math class in their senior year;

• McCracken said homecoming activities were a huge success, one reason being that it was also the same day as Fleming Fall Festival;

• McCracken reported that the District received six responses from companies who are interested in working on an upcoming HVAC project. Plans are to apply for a BEST grant to upgrade the HVAC system this year. McCracken said applications are due in February and if awarded, construction would begin next summer with a completion date of 2023. BEST grants are awarded through the Colorado Department of Education with funding from The Colorado State Land Board, Colorado Lottery and marijuana excise tax. BEST grants, paired with local matching dollars, aims to improve Colorado’s education environments through capital construction projects;

• Board members approved Desiree St. John to the substitute list;

• The BOE approved Kylee Chamberlin as a volunteer assistant volleyball coach;

• The Board approved overnight travel for the football team to North Park;

• A motion was made and approved to cancel the 2021 school board election and declare the following individuals elected by acclamation: Karianne Donnelson, Kim Nolde, Christa Lousberg and Nick Wernsman;

• Approved the School District Accreditation contract with the Colorado State Board of Education. Fleming received an Accredited rating.


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