What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Times Past

85 Years Ago Dec. 30, 1936

85 Years Ago

Dec. 30, 1936

The wedding of Miss Ardythe Crowell of Haxtun and Gus Anderson of Holyoke occurred in Sterling Christmas morning at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. J. Willard Scott. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Victor Schroeder, pastor of the First Evangelical Church.

As a result of a systematic program conducted under the guidance of the Nebraska College of Agriculture, there was a marked increase in the number of trench silos built and filled in that state this year. Officials have stated that the relatively large amount of ensilage stored will be very helpful in carrying the state's livestock through the winter feeding period.

L.L. Hill, a farmer living south of Haxtun, suffered the loss of his right arm Tuesday morning when it became caught in the machinery of a corn shredder.

Haxtun people were shocked last Thursday evening to learn of the death of Delbert Berkey, nine-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Berkey, the result of an accident in Sterling on Christmas Eve.

The Gamble store agency at Haxtun, owned by C.H. Barker, was sold last week to H.H. Silvey of Beaver City, Nebr.

70 Year Ago

Jan. 2, 1952

Hospital News - Mr. and Mrs. Gene Schannep are the parents of a baby girl born Monday morning. Tonsillectomies: Larry and Huey Riley, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Lorin Riley, and Lynette Yost, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Yost.

Death claimed another old-time resident of Haxtun Monday (Dec. 31, 1951) when Daniel Frank Kassing passed away in his sleep. He was past 75 years of age and had lived in the Haxtun community for 42 years.

The Evangelical United Brethren Church at Dailey was the scene of a beautiful candlelight wedding Sunday evening at seven o'clock when Miss Glendora Goldie Lindgren, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lindgren, became the bride of Howard Pauling, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pauling of Sterling. Rev. V.J. Lamm read the double-ring service in the presence of 150 guests.

Miss Shirley Swisher and Darrell Smith, who had been spending the holidays in Haxtun with relatives and friends, returned to Fort Collins Tuesday to continue their studies at the State Agricultural College.

Pfc. Glenn Hofmeister, who is stationed at Bellesville, Ill., is visiting home folks this week.

45 Years Ago

Dec. 30, 1976

Boy Scout Troup 34 held a raffle for a 10-speed bicycle and a tricycle. Vestil Allen won the bicycle and Ann Perez won the tricycle. Members of the troop, Kenny Jackson, Jim Ellis, Matt Martin, Rob Easton, Darin Hill, Eddie Cassella, Bobby Parish, Rusty Olson, and Mike Schropfer, netted approximately $700 from the ticket sales. Scoutmaster is Rod Rahe, with assistants Brad Clark and Jim Ellis.

More turkey winners announced: Helen Fix, Vernon Koch, Clyde Reynolds, Betty Uecker, Robert Henry, Dennis Bornhoft, Cecilia Exstrom, and Leora Edwards.

Local students on NJC honor roll: Milton Brown, Carol Frank, Judy Hinde, Rodney Kurtzer, Cynthia Lundgren, Carol Ruch, Paula Sharpe, Steve Smith, Roxanna Steinback, and Debra Wilson.

Obituary: William Peter Mutchie, 87, Dec. 23, 1976.

Mr. and Mrs. Clinton D. Anderson, Haxtun, are the parents of a baby boy born Dec. 28 at Logan County Hospital. He was named Aaron Clint.

Fleming News - Mr. and Mrs. Tim Ardueser of Arickaree are the parents of a girl born on Christmas Day. She was named Mary Katherine. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Finnis Brown, and great-grandmother is Mrs. Beulah Hradecky, all of Fleming.

30 Years Ago

Jan. 2, 1992

Obituaries: Fred J. Fetzer, 94, died Thursday, Dec. 19, 1991; Francis Miller Hart, 81, died Dec. 20, 1991.

Fleming News - Marvin and Sue Einspahr, along with children Mandy, Ryan and Amy, spent a belated Christmas with Marvin's sister, Doris Hoffman, and husband Tim and daughter Shawna in Brighton. Clem and Beulah Einspahr also made the trip to Brighton with them.

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Don Folk and son Drew of Mullen, Nebr. were guests of Mrs. Hazel Gall from Christmas Eve until Sunday afternoon, when they returned to their home.

Fleming News - Esther and Frank Schaefer spent time during the holdiays with their children, Roseann and Frank Bloomfield, and Pat Schaefer and Louise Mensen in Fort Collins. Also in Fort Collins with them were Paul and Phyllis Schmidt and children Alex, Jade, and Ramona and Dave Park and son Kenny.

Mr. and Mrs. Dana Archbold and Mary Olson were Christmas Day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Lousberg of Sterling. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Lousberg of Fleming, Kay Verquer of Sterling, Karen Lousberg of Fort Morgan and Ken Lousberg of Costa Mesa, Calif.

10 Years Ago

Dec. 21, 2011

The Fleming School District's earned several great markings over the past couple of weeks - a championship title on the football field, a second place finish at the State volleyball tournament and now a third place standing in the State of Colorado accreditation ratings for 2011.

Dear Santa, I want a kitchen! And salad and the stuff I make with Mommy to mix it all up. Merry Christmas! Love, Kinsley Koberstein

Dear Santa, My sister has been a little good so bring her some presents. I want a Red Rider BB gun for Christmas. I've been good. Love, Kash Workman

Dear Santa, I want a big car, like mommy's, so I can drive it way fast. Lexi needs a present too! From, Brooklyn Schaefer


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