What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Fleming second graders offer Christmas gift ideas to Kris Kringle

Dear Kris Kringle,

Be careful of our chimney because we light it to keep warm. Thank you for giving me a bb gun last year. How cold is the North Pole and how do you keep warm? I have been nice. I have helped my friends Blake and Tristan. Please can I have a toy cop gun, a toy spear and a bow and arrow?

Love, Landen

Dear St. Nick,

I think I’ve been naughty. I will try to fix my attitude. Santa, please land on the front yard. I want 50 v-maxes, a Nintendo Switch and an iphone 3g. Santa, thank you for the rubber band gun you got me last year. Santa, don’t go down the chimney because my mom and da...


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