What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

HCCC now operating as Little Sprouts Learning Center; Scheopner leads as center's director

What was once the Haxtun Community Childcare Center is now operating as Little Sprouts Learning Center. Changes in the childcare center's operational business organization took place at the first of the year and reflects a new beginning for the local center.

Now under the direction of Lindsey Scheopner, Little Sprouts Learning Center has one main objective and that is to provide a safe and caring environment for the children of Haxtun and surrounding communities.

Scheopner was born and raised in Washington State but moved with her family to the Akron area when she was a teenager. Growing up, her mother always had an in-home daycare and once the family moved to Akron, Scheopner's mom began working at a local childcare center. It was there that Scheopner would find a love and passion for taking care of children while volunteering her time and eventually working at the center herself.

Scheopner and her family later moved to the Iliff area and soon after she graduated from Caliche High School. Following graduation, Scheopner met and married her husband, Levi, and the two have since added to their family with addition of son Trevor and daughter Josy.

Once a mother herself, Scheopner decided to home school her children and she too furthered her education. Scheopner attended Northeastern Junior College to obtain a degree in early childhood education and she later went on to become director qualified.

Scheopner ran her own in-home daycare until recently when she took over as Director of the Haxtun childcare center. The Scheopner family is in the process of purchasing a new home in the country closer to Haxtun; the two Scheopner children currently attend Lone Star school.

Scheopner has worked effortlessly and diligently along with Little Sprouts Learning Center board members to not only clean and spruce up the center but also to reestablish proper licensing through the State of Colorado.

Scheopner joined the local childcare center in October and since her addition, the center has undergone a handful of State inspections and passed them all without infractions. Most recently, the center was released off probation with State licensing following disappointing actions from a previous director late last fall.

Scheopner's addition to the center has brought a new light not only for the center itself, but to the Board that oversees Little Sprouts Learning Center. The Board is made up of six community members including President Danielle Fox, Vice President Tiffany Maelzer, Secretary Sara Huss, Treasurer Meredith Sparks and members Sara Firme and Brandi McConnell.

Board members and Scheopner have made major improvements to the center building including replacing counter tops and appliances as well as a thorough deep cleaning of all the rooms and carpet cleaning. Work has also been done to repair the HVAC system in the building.

In the future, hopes are to seek grant funds for other necessities such as a new water heater and a condenser for the air conditioning unit. This week, board members and Scheopner have been working to deep clean, paint and re-organize the infant room. Plans are to continue through each room to deep clean, paint and make any necessary minor repairs over the next few weeks. In the spring, board members plan to clean up landscaping outside the building.

The change in operating as Little Sprouts Learning Center will allow the local childcare center to apply for and hopefully obtain a non-profit status, something that was lost under the former childcare director. It also opens doors to re-establish connections with grantors and other funding sources.

Little Sprouts Learning Center includes four main rooms for children including an infant room, toddler room, preschool room and a large space for school-aged children. At full capacity, the Center can occupy 63 children.

Scheopner is currently working to build on the center's after-school program for children who need childcare on more of a short-term basis before and after school. Busses from Haxtun School run to and from the daycare several times a day including mornings and afternoons and mid-day for preschool students.

Scheopner is joined by half a dozen other staff members as the center. Debbie Richa serves as the Lead Teacher in the toddler room and Loryn Miller is the Assistant Teacher in the toddler room.

Amanda Black is the Lead Teacher in the preschool room for the time being and also serves as the Assistant Director of Little Sprouts Learning Center. In February, Black will take over the infant room and Laura Beard will join the center in the preschool room. Hayden Hixon is the Assistant Teacher in the preschool room.

Center staff also includes Clarissa Medrano who is a sub assistant and works in the infant room.

In her first few months of employment with Little Sprouts Learning Center, one of Scheopner's main goals was ensuring all staff members have proper education for each respective position as well as making sure all pass required background checks.

Moving forward, in continuing with education for staff members and making necessary changes inside the building, the new Director intends to work towards establishing a five-star rating with Colorado Shines.

Colorado Shines is a quality rating and improvement system that monitors and supports early learning programs. Its primary functions are to help participating programs and professionals improve their quality through assessment, training and tools, and to connect Colorado families with quality child care. Currently, according to the Colorado Shines website, Little Sprouts Learning Center holds a three out of five-star rating.

"Lindsey has been such a blessing for the center," Board Member Firme said. "She took on a major challenge and she is diligently working to repair the trust and make the community proud of the center. She has fought for the center since day one. I am so incredibly proud of her."

Little Sprouts Learning Center is located at 405 West Powell Street in Haxtun. For more information on the Center contact Scheopner at (970) 774-5437.


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