What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Jackson & Muller added to Fleming Town Council table

The Fleming Town Council met for their regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 9 at the Fleming Town Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Sue Einspahr at 6:30 p.m. The following council members were present: Stefan Betley, Bill Langridge, John Stone, Ken MacCrone and Bonnie Jackson. Also present were Andrew Muller, Chuck Graber, Michael and Suzanne Wales and family, Joelle Gapter and Michelle Asfeld.

Additions/corrections to the agenda: Einspahr asked to add fire hydrant under Health and Safety and economic development under Discussion Items. A motion was made and seconded to approve the agenda as amended, all voted and the motion passed.

Public Comment: Chuck Graber with Maguire Iron gave the Council a summary of the recommendations for the south water tower. One of the recommendations he advised was removing the paint and repainting the water tower for a cost of $298,000.00 or $67,000 for five years ($335,000.000). Graber will email the Town the two billing options.

Appoint council member: A motion was made and seconded to appoint Andrew Muller to the Town Council, all voted and the motion passed.

Consent agenda: A motion was made and seconded to approve the Consent Agenda, all voted and the motion passed.

Treasurer's Report: Due to Frank being absent, there wasn't an official Treasurer's Report. The fund balances are as follows; General Fund $205,020.31, Electric $97,122.68, Water $123,279,11, Sewer $114,287.55 for a NOW Account total of $539,709.65. The Money Market Account balance is $2,548.48 and the Conservation Trust Fund balance is $1,043.93 for a total of $543,302.06 in all accounts. A motion was made and seconded to approve the Treasurer's Report, all voted and the motion passed.

Clerk's Report: No report.

Due to Beck being absent, there wasn't an official Maintenance Superintendent's Report.

Electric: The streetlights are working on the south side of town.

Water Report: No report.

Sewer Report: No report.

Streets: Einspahr applauded the maintenance crew on the fine job of snow removal.

Health and Safety: There was a discussion about the fire hydrant that was ran over in December. Einspahr reported that it will probably be replaced this spring or early summer. MacCrone shared his concern for a fire hydrant by CHS/Grainland. MacCrone pointed out that adding a fire hydrant by the elevator had been discussed several years ago but it still hasn't been done.

Parks and Recreation: There was some discussion concerning the splash pad. The Town is still looking for a contractor. It was also noted that there were some branches on the ground at the North Park.

Action Items: Stone's Variance Permit was up for review by the Council. Stone feels that he still needs the electric fence to protect his fowl from the fox. A motion was made and seconded to grant Stone an extension for a year (12 months) for his Variance Permit, all voted with the exception of Stone, who abstained, and the motion passed.

A motion was made and seconded to adopt Resolution #1-2022 authorizing the Town Clerk to appoint election judges for the April 5, 2022, polling place election, all voted and the motion passed.

The water tower and bucket truck were tabled until the March 9 meeting.

The policies, including snowplowing, distracted driving, seat belts and safety will be addressed at the March 2 work session.

A motion was made and seconded to move the Executive Session after the Discussion Items.

Discussion Items: Gapter reported on the grant possibilities she has been looking into. The top priority is the Splash Pad as supplies have already been purchased.

Einspahr talked about the economic development meeting she attended in Sterling this morning. She would like to form a Vision Committee for Fleming.

Executive Session: At 8 p.m. it was moved and seconded to go into Executive Session, Section 24-6-402(4)(e) under the Colorado Revised Statutes for the purpose of discussing negotiations or develop strategies for negotiations for employee wages, all voted and the motion passed.

At 8:15 p.m. a motion was made and seconded to conclude the Executive Session and return to the regular meeting, all voted and the motion passed.

No discussion or action was taken after returning to the regular meeting.

Upcoming Meetings: Work Session on March 2 at 6:30 p.m. at the Town Hall.

Town Council Meeting on March 9 at 6:30 p.m. at the Fleming Town Hall.

Adjournment: A motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 8:16 p.m., all voted and the motion passed.


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