What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Times Past

85 Years Ago April 21, 1937

13 Years Ago

April 21, 1937

First prize was awarded to Jean Kluger of Fleming, at the amateur show at the Rialto Theater Tuesday evening. The audience chose Mary Clark, tap dancer, for second prize, and Lawrence Carsten, who sang and played the guitar, as third-place winner.

Shirley Ann Brahmstadt, the two-month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brahmstadt of Paoli, passed away at a Holyoke hospital last Wednesday.

70 Years Ago

April 23, 1952

Hospital News - Mr. and Mrs. Robert Griffith are the parents of a son born Friday. He was named David Saul.

Mrs. Jennie Jones, 84, resident of the Haxtu...


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