What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Strokes from other Pens

Letter to the Editor

Proposition FF – another tax is not a free lunch

Once again voters are asked to approve a new tax for another program. This time for Healthy School Meals for All Public School Students which sounds like a good idea. Who doesn’t want healthy food for all children — whoops this is just for some public school kids. Over 30 percent of public school children already get free lunches and wouldn’t qualify for this Colorado program. Neither would home school or private school children in Colorado qualify.

Currently, 31 percent of public students are eligible for free school meals through the National School Lunch Program, six percent are eligible for reduced-price meals and 63 percent are over the threshold for either. The new $100 million program is for the 63 percent middle- to upper — income public school families who can pay for lunches. Children who really need lunch, already get a free meal.

Proposition FF tax does not stay in the Healthy School Meal program. FF is written so over-collecting the tax for this program will not be returned to taxpayers, but can be used for any other budget expenditure the legislature wants to use it for. According to the State’s own fiscal estimates the new tax would have a large excess of revenue (up to $32.8 million in the first year) above operational costs of the program. With public school enrollment decreasing, the excess revenue could increase and go to the general budget.

More taxes and more government programs are not the answer! If children really need extra help with meals, we can donate to the local school lunch program. The local schools know the children and can administer the funds efficiently where needed.

Vote No on FF

Ellie Beal


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