What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Times Past

85 Years Ago Dec. 8, 1937

85 Years Ago

Dec. 8, 1937

Jack Kennedy, of near Dailey, suffered a gunshot wound in his foot Tuesday afternoon when the .22-caliber rifle he was using to hunt rabbits was accidentally discharged. The bullet passed through the flesh of his foot, but luckily struck no bones.

The date for the opening of bids for construction of the new high school building at Haxtun has been changed from Dec. 10 to Dec. 13, according to word received from J.K. Monroe, architect.

Miss Florence Turner, and Mr. Max Dix, both of the Haxtun community, were married on Wednesday, Nov. 24, it has been announced by Mr. and Mrs. Albert Turner, parents of the bride.

70 Years Ago

Dec. 10, 1952

Hospital news – The patients and staff in the hospital enjoyed a turkey dinner on Thanksgiving Day, thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ahnstedt, who so generously donated a large turkey. The staff also wishes to acknowledge the gift of plum juice from Mrs. True Shannep and black raspberry juice from Mrs. Warren, and to thank Mrs. Tom Wisdom Sr. and Mrs. Elmer Johnson for converting this juice into jelly for hospital use.

Gordon Thomas, who is in the U.S. Navy and station in California, arrived in Haxtun Tuesday for a visit with friends and relatives.

At a beautiful candlelight ceremony Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the First Methodist Church, Miss Ruth Atkins was united in marriage to Clifford Murphy, with Rev. George M. Brunworth reading the double ring wedding rites.

45 Years Ago

Dec. 8,1977

The Haxtun nursing home held a Christmas bazaar Friday afternoon, featuring handmade articles by many contributors. Among those donating articles were: Helen Fleming, Hattie Mutchie, Leta Ketler, Christine Fetzer, Dorothy O'Hare, Nelly Baker, Bertha McPherron, and Florence Scott.

Gail Prottsman opened Select Electric last summer. He and Byron Prottsman, Holyoke, do general electrical work. He and his wife, Barbara have two children: Sherrie, a first grader, and Nathan 1 1/2.

Girl Scouts were investitured Thursday night in a special program with parents present. Pictured with leaders Mrs. Robert Mathew, Mrs. Mary Ann, Russell and Mrs. Richard Fryrear: Tina Becerra, Judy Hart, Andrea Fryrear, Kimberly Davis, Tamara Davis, Kimberly Mathews and Linda Russell. Claudia Clark is also in the group.

30 Years Ago

Dec. 9, 1992

Santa talks to Lindsay Kipp during Monday nights visit ... or is it the other way around? Santa is wearing a new suit purchased for him by the Haxtun Volunteer Fire Department. Lindsay is the daughter of Brian and Cindy Kipp.

Voters overwhelmingly agreed to a five-year increase in property tax to help pay off revenue bonds taken out at the time the nursing home addition was made.

The children and grandchildren of Clyde and Bonnie Hogsett hosted a 50th wedding anniversary celebration for their parents on Nov. 21.

Connie Howard, Haxtun High School graduate, was named most improved member of the women's cross country team at Concordia College this fall. Howard also received the team spirit award.

10 Years Ago

Dec. 5, 2012

Gracelyn Bahnsen reads her wish list to to Santa Monday night at the Haxtun Fire Hall. Santa made his annual appearance in town during Haxtun's Country Christmas on Dec. 3. Gracelyn, 5, is a preschooler at Haxtun Schools and is the daughter of John and Pam Daharsh, Haxtun.

Emergency personnel from all around the area spent much of Wednesday evening searching for a missing 12-year-old. Parents of Derek Krueger, Holyoke, started looking for their son at about 4:30 p.m. on Nov. 28 when he walked away from his home near county roads 31 and 32.


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