What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Times Past

85 Years Ago Jan. 12, 1938

85 Years Ago

Jan. 12, 1938

Vocational agriculture students in the local high school made a good showing in the grain judging contest held in Yuma last Saturday. The team placed fourth out of 15 schools. Those making the trip were Clarence Rhodes, Robert Reynolds, Dean Schachterle, Rex Mooney, Laurie Ramsay and Delbert Sack. C.W. Scofield is their instructor.

At its regular luncheon meeting at the coffee shop last Monday, the Haxtun Commercial Club voted to retain its present officers for the coming year: O.K. Clark, president; C.L. Reynolds, vice president; J.W. Meakins, secretary; and M.E. Thornhill, treasurer. A resolution was passed urging that merchants cooperate in the community rabbit hunt. It was decided that each business firm should be represented by at least one person at the Tuesday hunt.

Those attending the annual conference of the Longs Peak Boy Scout Council were Scoutmaster Evert L. Vanderburgh, B.J. Anderson, Delbert Anderson, C.L. Reynolds, Clyde Reynolds and Marlow Sharpe.

70 Years Ago

Jan. 14, 1953

L.L. Mutchie he has been elected new fire chief for the Haxtun Volunteer Fire Department.

Hospital News - Mr. and Mrs. Ora Kinzie of Fleming are the parents of a baby girl born Jan. 10. She was named Cynthia Beth.

Duane "Butchie" Anderson was brought home Sunday from the Children's Hospital in Denver after receiving a medical check up. He is suffering from rheumatic fever.

45 Years Ago

Jan. 12, 1978

Shirley Salyards, Haxtun native, has been named Director of Nursing Services at the Haxtun Community Hospital. The position was previously held by the late Margaret Morgan. She and her husband Jack have three children: Doug, Debbi and David.

Fleming second graders, Carrie Lousberg, Tara Plog, Tracy, Chandler, Jimmy O'Mara and Ronnie Barens received a letter from Britain's Princess Anne's Lady in Waiting in response to their question of whether a princess might feel a pea through several layers of mattresses, as in the fairy tale. Part of the letter: " ... unfortunately, I am unable to answer your question about the princess and the pea in your fairy tale since Princess Anne has never found a pea hidden under her mattress. But I am sure Her Royal Highness would be able to feel one if it was there." Stanley Axtell is their teacher.

30 Years Ago

Jan. 13, 1993

After nearly a year of waiting for red tape to clear, papers transferring ownership of the Haxtun Community Bank were signed last week.

Engagement: Gary and Vickie Fuesz of Haxtun and Bill and Joyce Chapdelaine of Paonia, announce the engagement and upcoming marriage of their children, Cynthia Mae Fuesz and John Thomas Chapdelaine. A July 31 wedding is planned.

Darren Smith, a senior at Haxtun High School, received fourth place at district finals in the Voice of Democracy speech contest. His English teacher is Darcy Garretson.

10 Years Ago

Jan. 16, 2013

On Jan. 10, Logan County investigators were called to Fleming in reference to a suspicious incident. An eight-year-old female reported a male hiding in bushes near the north end of the Fleming football field, came out of the bushes, pulling the female into the bushes. The male then reportedly pushed her back out of the bushes.


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