What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope
85 Years Ago Jan. 12, 1938
13 Years Ago
Jan. 12, 1938
Vocational agriculture students in the local high school made a good showing in the grain judging contest held in Yuma last Saturday. The team placed fourth out of 15 schools. Those making the trip were Clarence Rhodes, Robert Reynolds, Dean Schachterle, Rex Mooney, Laurie Ramsay and Delbert Sack. C.W. Scofield is their instructor.
At its regular luncheon meeting at the coffee shop last Monday, the Haxtun Commercial Club voted to retain its present officers for the coming year: O.K. Clark, president; C.L. Reynolds, vice president; J.W. Meakins, secretary; and M.E. Th...
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