What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Times Past

85 Years Ago April 20, 1938

13 Years Ago

April 20, 1938

Mrs. Ella Sharpe entertained with a lovely Easter breakfast at her home Sunday morning. Guests were Mesdames C.W. Schofield, Carl Zeigler, Grover Clark, Gordon McIntyre, Milton Cooper, Harold Rumin of Denver, and Mrs. Esther Ewing and Maxine Gale.

The Dunbar twins, former high school athletes, here, competed for Colorado University in a dual track meet against Wyoming U last Saturday. Boyd Dunbar was winner of the half-mile run with a time of 2:05.6 Lloyd Dunbar placed second in the two-mile run. Bill Krueger, student at Colorado State College at Fort Collins, compe...


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