What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Times Past

85 Years Ago Dec. 21, 1938

13 Years Ago

Dec. 21, 1938

At a dinner party given Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Birrell, an announcement was made of the marriage of Miss Esther Ewing and James R. Birrell. The wedding took place on Friday, May 20, at Raton, N.M., but the announcement was not made until this week.

Dailey News - The Dailey basketball team went to Sunol, Neb., Tuesday evening. The first team was defeated by Sunol's Mustangs, but the second team was victorious. A large crowd of spectators accompanied them to this game.

Fairfield News - The members of the Senior League met Friday evening and sa...


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