What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Frenchman BOE addresses parents' concerns

More than two dozen parents, staff and community members packed into the Fleming School/Community Library for the February meeting of the Frenchman Board of Education. The meeting opened with two closed-door meetings for the purpose of conferencing with the Board’s attorney and to meet with two different families who filed complaints against the superintendent and principal through the District’s policy process.

The Board first voted to enter into executive session for the purpose of conferencing with the Board’s attorney to receive legal advice regarding rights and obligations in connection with the complaint process set forth in District Policy KE against the superintendent and principal.

Nearly an hour later, the Board returned to open meeting and allowed for public comment. Board President Christa Lousberg announced ahead of time that each individual speaking would have three minutes to address the Board and only 30 minutes would be allowed for public comment.

Several individuals spoke about an incident in late January in music class involving fourth grade students. Two sets of parents in particular, Bo and Brianne Vandenbark and Carly and Tim Nichols, voiced their concerns with what they say was inappropriate conversions between music teacher Laurianna May and students regarding topics related to sexual education, sexual orientation, reproduction and puberty. The couples also claim the teacher advised students not to tell their parents about the conversation.

“There is no excuse for that in this school,” Brianne Vandenbark told board members. She also expressed her concern with how administration handled the situation in the days and weeks to follow. Vandenbark said as a parent to a student in the class, she expects there should be repercussions and that students should be protected at all costs.

Carly Nichols echoed Vandenbarks feelings and expressed her concerns with the lack of follow up between students and administration regarding sensitive topics.

“What about those who don’t have supportive parents,” Nichols said adding the topic was overwhelming to her own child and required intense conversations later at home.

In addition to comments regarding the situation from those in attendance, the Board also received positive feedback and support from staff members in the audience. Several thanked the Board for their efforts in serving the district and asked for understanding and compassion for teachers, administration and board members.

Following the time for public comment, the Board returned to a closed-door meeting in which they first met with the Vandenbarks and later the Nichols under the explanation to discuss two complaints initiated under policy KD, complaints against the superintendent and the principal. Along with the Board and families, Superintendent Steve McCracken and Principal Kortney Firme attended a portion of the executive session.

After nearly three hours, the Board reconvened in regular session to move forward with the February monthly meeting. During action items, the Board acted on information from the closed-door meetings in two separate actions.

In both, board members voted to uphold the decision of school administration in regards to the complaints and directed the teacher to send an apology letter to the parents. Both motions passed unanimously.

In other business the Board:

• Approved the 2024-25 school calendar;

• Approved the 2025-26 superintendent contract with acknowledging McCracken plans to retire at the end of the contract;

• Approved Bethany Nicolet as the Mental Health Counselor for next year;

• Received a resignation letter from Randy Stahley;

• Approved Gentry Barner as a second first grade teacher for the coming year;

• Approved Kristy Fehringer as the junior high track coach;

• Approved a concurrent enrollment invoice from Northeastern Junior College for $10,344.


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