What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Haxtun BOE approves adding 10 minutes to school day

Members of the Haxtun Board of Education approved the 2024-25 District calendar during a month end, March meeting. In addition, the Board approved a list of resignations and personnel report for the coming school year.

At the start of the two-hour meeting on March 19, the Board of Education honored a number of student athletes including high school wrestlers and coach Don Schelling. Haxtun junior Grant Statz took first place in his weight division at the Colorado State Wrestling Tournament and Coach Don Schelling was honored for 30 years of coaching.

Board members also recognized other wrestlers who had success including Kaiden Schelling, Scotty Engle, Ryan Davis, Annie Wilson and Gage Helgoth, all who placed at regionals or state.

As the first item of business, the BOE approved the District calendar for next year. The 2024-25 calendar has more contact hours for students while reducing the number of teacher contract days to align with neighboring school district. Other changes include lengthening the school day by five minutes in the morning and five minutes in the afternoon and shortening the high school lunch period by 10, which is similar to other school districts in the area.

The number of teacher days in next year’s calendar is 161 and student contact days is 149. Attendance hours will total 1,117.5. The morning bell will ring at 7:50 a.m. and school will be released at 3:50 p.m. High school lunch will be from 12:30-1 p.m.

Additionally, board members approved a personnel report, as presented by Superintendent Marsha Cody. That list includes the following recommendations for next year: Staci Tempel, Dean of Students; Emma Roll, High School Assistant Volleyball Coach; Katiegh Cody, Part-time Tech; and Kaiden Schelling, Part-time Grounds.

The following resignations were also approved: Ross Edwards, Junior High Girls’ Basketball Coach; Dustin Seger, High School Girls’ Assistant Basketball Coach; Casey Goddard, High School Girls’ Assistant Basketball Coach.

In other business the Board:

• Approved the Haxtun School District Wellness Master Plan;

• Approved a MOU with Holyoke School District to continue part-time Technology Director Perry Ingram.


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