What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Phillips County Commissioners adopt resolution in opposing entry of illegal immigrants into Phillips County

In recent weeks, local governments in northeast Colorado have considered their capacity, or lack thereof, to manage an influx of migrants into their communities, including but not limited to, when droves of arrivals in the Denver-metro area are sent to destinations other than on the Front Range. The Phillips County Board of County Commissioners, at its March 18 meeting, adopted Resolution No. 2024-03-18-01 to oppose the entry, transportation, employment and settlement of, specifically, illegal immigrants in the county.

The supporting rationale for the resolution, as cited in the “Whereas” statements, is based on the opinion that the federal government has failed to protect its citizens by not securing its borders; that policies of the current governor have opened the State of Colorado to illegal immigration; that an unprecedented flow of illegal immigrants, drugs and terror suspects is occurring in the country and Colorado; that an influx of illegal immigrants would be unmanageable for the county’s department of human services; and, that the county has a limited number of resources and funds to provide services, housing, healthcare, employment, and transportation for such in influx.

In additional business, the board held a public hearing to consider the subdivision exemption application from Mike Salyards to divide a parcel of approximately 2.54 acres from a parcel of land to be used as a commercial venue. As noted by administrator Andrew Nygaard, this would necessitate going through the land use change process before the venue could be used for commercial purposes. Also, because Salyards is a member of the planning commission, he would have to recuse himself from that process when his item was on the agenda. No one else was present to offer comments.

As unfinished business, Commissioner Garold Roberts provided an update on the Department of Local Affair’s Energy/Mineral Impact Assistance Fund Grant. The County intends to submit an application to help fund the construction of a new storage building in the southeastern part of the county for the Road and Bridge department.

The board met with Lonnie Vernon, Maintenance Supervisor, for an update on the hiring process currently underway and the upcoming tree trimming project on the courthouse property.

Mikey Brown, Phillips County Economic Development Director, met with the board to ask for a waiver of rental fees for the 2024 Ogallala Commons Youth Entrepreneurship fair scheduled for the Event Center on March 28.

Carrie Anderson, Event Center Reservationist, presented the board with updated facility use forms. She explained that the decision made last year to no longer use Homestead Park for private events necessitated a few revisions to the terms and conditions in the rental agreement.

The board approved the following new business items:

• The subdivision exemption application from Mike Salyards on the condition that the land use change process be completed;

• The waiver of rental fees as requested by Mikey Brown;

• The Fair Board’s recommendation to appoint Holly Ferguson as the Phillips County Fair Manager effective March 1 until August 31, 2024;

• Seven requests from Road and Bridge manager, Kevin Scott, to adjust seven employees’ grades and steps on the county pay scale;

• The request from Sheriff Beard to purchase a printer with accessories from MultiCard for a total cost of $7,895.68;

• The purchase of a batwing mower for the Road and Bridge department from Central Plains Equipment for a total cost of $20,736;

• Awork order for the framing and installation of a door on the second floor of the courthouse;

• Authorization for the chairman to sign the annual operating license renewal for the East Phillips County Ambulance Service to run April 1 to March 31, 2025; and,

• To adopt the proposed changes to the Phillips County Facility Use Agreement.

County resolutions are available at phillipscounty.colorado.gov/resolutions-and-ordinances, or by contacting the County Administrator’s office in the courthouse, (970) 854-3778.


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