What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Variance approval allows for start of race season

Many of the topics of conversation at Phillips County Commissioner meetings over the month of May pertained to the recent COVID-19 pandemic, upcoming events and a variance request by the County from a public health order set by the State. The variance, which was approved late last month, allowed for the raceway season to get started over the weekend.

According to the variance approved by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Phillips County was granted approval to host the raceway 2020 opener, held last Friday and Saturday in Holyoke; allowing for larger public gatherings versus the limited number in Governor Jared Polis’s Safer at Home order.

Prior to opening weekend, the Commissioners met with Joe Bellm, with BST Racing, regarding live feed streaming of the races, which was later approved by the trio of Commissioners. BST Racing contracts with Phillips County for the race season and has done so for the past few years.

Bellm, along with Holyoke Mayor Orville Tonsing and Ed Glennmeier met with Commisioners in May regarding logistics of racing events and COVID-19 restrictions.

Additionally, the Commissioners met with Trisha Herman, Phillips County Economic Development Director, about her work within the County during the recent pandemic. She gave reports on distribution information with Help Haxtun and Help Holyoke funds as well as updates from Help Colorado Now.

Herman also told the Commissioners that Phillips County has three summer interns through the Ogallala Commons including Tanley Andersen, Haxtun Chamber of Commerce, Traeli Hutches, Melissa Memorial Hospital, and Victoria Hatten, Holyoke Chamber/PCED.

In other departments, the Commissioners met with Bill Andrews, who said county-wide clean up days are scheduled for June 5 and June 6. He said due to an increase in traffic and the overflow of rubbish, he suggests the County take a different approach with the event next year.

Andrews suggested the County mail two vouchers to each household in the County to be used anytime in 2021. The Commissioners agreed that might be a better solution to help with the increase at the Landfill during those days.

The County Landfill Manager also noted that reoccurring testing of the well at the landfill is scheduled for next month. The testing is performed by the State.

Also during the month of May, the County Commissioners met with Veterans’ Service Officer Steve Firme. The four reviewed a letter from Jack Rudder, Chairman of the Board of Veterans’ Affairs, requesting increased duties and increased pay for the local position.

The Commissioners agreed and commended Firme for his performance with the job, however, Firme turned down any pay increase.

In other business:

• Gerald Whipple, CDL tester, reported that due to the cost and efficiency, testing will only be held in Julesburg;

• Kerri Doleshall, Weed and Pest Manager, reported that the seasonal part-time position will not be filled this year and that when assistance is needed, a Road and Bridge employees will be assigned;

• The Commissioners signed a letter of support for the Colorado Opportunity Scholarship Initiative with the Northeast Junior College Foundation;

• The Commissioners decided that where some trees were torn out around the courthouse recently, half of the area would be concrete and the other half would be added to the lawn;

• Carol Haynes, Jerry Wagoner and representatives from Road and Bridge met regarding County Road 25, plans are to build more of that road next year;

• Property from the County’s sealed bids were awarded on May 19;

• The Commissioners adopted a resolution opposing the State of Colorado Joint Budget Committee staff recommendation to suspend senior citizens’ and disabled veterans’ real property tax homestead exemption;

• Received word that Phillips County Secondary Food Assistance Program grant through Help Colorado Now was approved. Logistics are still being developed but grant funds will assist with providing additional and supplemental food assistance Monday through Friday at Phillips County Health and Human Services.


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