What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Extension Spotlight

Staying healthy during the winter

Cold weather and snowstorms make us want to stay inside during the winter months, but this can create a real problem with workout and eating schedules. Also, holiday spending can make people feel anxious about the new year. During the winter months it’s important to take care of ourselves mentally, physically and financially.

Staying fit and eating healthy

Shorter days paired with cold weather, encourage us to skip exercise in favor of a warm night curled up under a blanket. The extra time spent indoors often leads to more snacking. There is also an abundance of foods that are only available during this time of year. There’s no wonder why it’s hard not to indulge our cravings during the winter months. Staying fit and eating healthy during the winter months can help protect you from illness. Here are a few tips to help you stay healthy during the winter:

• Workout at home. If you don’t want to go outside where it’s cold, there are many online resources that provide exercise routines. Try yoga, body-weight exercises or dance classes!

• Add Omega 3 Fatty Acids. Fish, plant seeds and nuts are all high in Omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3s have been shown to help lower levels of depression and reduce joint pain.

• Increase fiber. Fiber is important in lowering cholesterol levels, improving diabetes symptoms, and aiding in digestive health. Adding more fruits, vegetables and whole grains will increase your fiber intake.

Preserving mental health

The decrease in sunlight caused by the shorter days, along with the stress from holidays, travel and financial burdens can cause sadness, depression or anxiety for many people. During this time of the year it’s important to take some time to yourself to improve or preserve your mental health. If you are feeling stressed, anxious or even a little depressed try some of the following tips.

• Take time to relax. It’s okay if you aren’t doing something every second of the day. Find an activity that relaxes you and schedule time for yourself. You could try meditation or yoga, drinking herbal teas or reading a book.

• Sleep. With the days getting shorter, your body will naturally want to sleep longer. Try going to bed earlier or use the longer evenings to wind down or relax before heading off to bed.

If you feel that these tips aren’t helping and your anxiety or depression is increasing, please reach out to a health professional or one of the free Hotlines.

Suicide Prevention: 1-800-273-8255 (Texting is available) En Español 1-888-628-9454.

Mental Health/Substance Abuse: 1-800-662-4357.

Saving the Bank

A lot of the holiday stress comes from the financial burdens of presents, decorations and travel. Following these few tips can help relieve some of the financial stress.

• Set a budget and talk about it with your kids. You can set a designated amount of money that you can afford to spend for each family member, if a request is above the set amount, this is a good time to discuss other options with you kids. Also, not every person you know needs a holiday gift. For some people it’s appropriate to give holiday cookies or small gift cards.

• Reuse decorations or themes. Some families like to have new decorations each year. Reusing some decorations can save you lots of money. Maybe change the area they were placed or mix and match from other years, this can create a whole new look!

• Don’t use credit cards and start shopping or saving early! Instead of using credit cards and paying off gifts over the next months, save some money each month. You can use this as your holiday budget for the next year. If you save $25 a week for 10 months, you will have $1,000! Many stores say they have great sales during the holiday season, but they also have sales throughout the whole year. You can buy one to two gifts a month throughout the year and relieve a lot of stress!

Remember, this is supposed to be a magical time, don’t let the stress of creating the perfect holiday for everyone else ruin yours! Take the time you need to take care of yourself and enjoy your holiday season!


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