What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Articles written by Deeona Johnston

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 7 of 7

  • Extension Spotlight

    Deeona Johnston|Jan 27, 2021

    Normal weight obesity is when a person has a normal weight for their height (BMI between 18.5 – 24.9), but their body fat percentage is above normal (+32 percent for women and +26 percent for men). It is likely that up to 30 percent of people could be considered normal weight obese. Although everyone likes to think that fat is the bad guy, you do need fat to survive. Fat has a purpose, but when you have too much, it can hurt your health. Why fat is important: • It regulates hormones and bod...

  • Resources aim to bring information to diabetics

    Deeona Johnston, CSU Family & Consumer Sciences|Dec 9, 2020

    On Nov. 4, Colorado State University Extension and the Golden Plains Area hosted a Diabetes webinar titled “Holiday Cooking: Meeting Dietary Requirements without Sacrificing Flavor.” The webinar was presented by Deeona Johnston, RDN. The focus of the webinar was to show how to incorporate common holiday dishes, like stuffing, pies, yams (sweet potatoes) and latkes while still following a diet designed to help manage diabetes. A Consistent Carbohydrate Diet was introduced during the webinar. Thi...

  • Extension Spotlight

    Deeona Johnston|Nov 18, 2020

    Cold weather and snowstorms make us want to stay inside during the winter months, but this can create a real problem with workout and eating schedules. Also, holiday spending can make people feel anxious about the new year. During the winter months it’s important to take care of ourselves mentally, physically and financially. Staying fit and eating healthy Shorter days paired with cold weather, encourage us to skip exercise in favor of a warm night curled up under a blanket. The extra time spent...

  • Extension Spotlight

    Deeona Johnston|Sep 23, 2020

    With the cool weather that blew through recently and with fall and winter approaching its time to start focusing on preserving our garden’s goods. Humans have been preserving foods since ancient times. In order to survive periods when hunting was light and crops failed, hunters and gathers learned to preserve their food. There are many ways to preserve fruits, vegetables and meats to store them for longer periods of time. Freezing When the temperature began to drop, ancient people used those t...

  • Extension Spotlight

    Deeona Johnston, CSU Extension Agent|Jul 8, 2020

    Safety during fair It's almost fair time! Although this year has been unpredictable and frustrating, we in Phillips County are fortunate that we get to participate in county fair! This is the event everyone has been looking forward to ever since the stay-at-home orders started in March. Safety is extremely important during a fair. There are activities, animals, food and other opportunities that can lead to an emergency. Although you can't prepare for everything, following these safety tips can...

  • Extension seeks community designs for community garden grow boxes

    Deeona Johnston, CSU FCS Extension Agent|Jun 17, 2020

    Phillips County Extension Office staff have been working on re-establishing a community garden for the area and recently announced the receipt of four grow boxes courtesy of the Will Heginbotham Trust. The grow boxes will be placed on the Phillips County Event Center grounds. Hopes are the garden will benefit everyone in Phillips County. Those outside of Holyoke are encouraged to visit this garden this year with intensions to expand this garden to other cities within our County in the future....

  • Experiencing loss of income can be devastating

    Deeona Johnston, CSU FCS Extension Agent|May 13, 2020

    When you have had a loss of income, it can be devastating. Now you face some very difficult financial decisions when your paychecks stop coming and you do not have enough money to cover your family’s basic living expenses. Spending habits must change when income is reduced and prioritizing needs versus wants is going to be crucial. Remember to include your family in the decision-making process to determine which expenses are most important. It will take everyone’s cooperation in order to car...