What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Times Past

85 Years Ago - Dec. 18, 1935

85 Years Ago

Dec. 18, 1935

A.B. Brelsford, 64, resident of the south community for a number of years, passed away at the hospital in Haxtun last Saturday, Dec. 14, 1935.

With only 14 days left in The Haxtun Harvest prize subscription campaign, Mr. Ella W. Sharpe of Haxtun is in first place followed by Lillian Cronquist of Fairfield.

Although the schools at Haxtun were closed Tuesday to prevent a possible epidemic of scarlet fever, it is likely that the ban on public gatherings will be lifted the latter part of next week. At present there are only three cases of scarlet fever at Haxtun and the health officer has informed The Harvest that if no new cases develop within the next day or two, there will be no need for quarantine.

The Haxtun Billiard parlor, operated by Jesse Luelf during the past three years, was purchased the latter part of the week by I.O. Jones of Haxtun.

A grocery and meat market will be opened in the Shirley Hotel building on Saturday by Howard Ruby of Haxtun, in the former location of the Johnson Meat Market.

70 Years Ago

Dec. 20, 1950

Commercial Club elects new officers Monday evening: J.J. Sturgis, president; Elmer Miller, vice chairman; Floyd Reyher, secretary; and John Larson, treasurer.

Death: William E. Hanson of the Clarksville community, 57, Dec. 19, 1950.

At a candlelight ceremony which was beautiful in its simplicity, Miss Lucy Howitt of Julesburg and Lyle Lundberg were united in marriage at two o'clock Sunday afternoon in the Fairfield Covenant Church, with Rev. Everett Swedenburg reading the double-ring service. After a brief honeymoon in the western part of the state, the young couple will make their home with the groom's parents.

Fleming - Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kohnen of Denver announce the birth of a seven-pound, 10-ounce son on Dec. 15. Mrs. Kohnen is the former Betty Plank.

Fairfield news - Charles Lundberg of Tuleake, Calif., arrived last week for a month's visit here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lundberg and other relatives. Charles was one of the two lucky Colorado boys who won fine farms in California a year ago when the government opened land tracts to ex-servicemen.

45 Years Ago

Dec. 18, 1975

Deaths: Earnest Bertran Munday, 63, Dec. 14, 1975; Elmer John Muths, 60, services Dec. 15, 1975.

Winter hung heavy over the Haxtun community this week. Heavy ice and frost blanketed the trees, bending branches in some cases to the breaking point.

Mrs. Ethel Gourley of Arriba and Al Hardy of Wauneta, Neb., announce the engagement of their daughter Cynthia Kay Hardy to Lynn Paul Seger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Seger of Haxtun.

Taking part in the groundbreaking ceremonies at Immanuel Lutheran Church were Bill Maddox, building committee chairman; Pastor Quoss; Eloise Yorke, committee member; Ed Ulmer, chairman of the congregation; Dorothy Hovel, Glenda Hovel, Betty Lick, and Clemens Einspahr, all building committee members.

Fleming - The Fleming Saddle Club had its Christmas meeting with a dinner Saturday night at Rheas in Haxtun. Election of officers was held with Howard Meakins elected president, Wayne Wertz as vice president; and Don Langdon as secretary-treasurer.

Fleming - Mrs. Charles A. Warren was hostess for an afternoon of bridge on Wednesday. Her guests included Mrs. Galen Bamford and Mrs. Jessie Scott of Haxtun, Mrs. Robert Stethens, Mrs. Ted Yount, Mrs. Doris Bell, Mrs. Raymond Rudel, and Mrs. Kent Pridey.

30 Years Ago

Dec. 20, 1990

Three former Haxtun High School students recently received orders for duty in Saudi Arabia. The young men are Craig McCarty, Terry Burmester and Larry Kurtzer.

Obituaries: Constance A. Jones, 89, Dec. 16, 1990; Mrs. Ellen Burton, Dec. 17.

Fleming fifth graders came up with the idea of making their own postage stamps. Students are Jessica Predmore, Ryan Atkinson, Michelle Riemenschneider, Jeannine Schmidt, Aaron Schaefer, Nicholas Mari, Michael Wernsman, Mark Grauberger, Stacey Koehler, Courtney Lousberg, Michelle Wernsman, Talitha Mekelburg, John Wolever and Andy Huey.

Dear Santa, I'm Shannon Lowry and I would like these things for Christmas: Computer, radio, new shoes, new Barbie clothes. How's the weather up there in the North Pole? How are the elves doing? I've been really good lately. I obey my mom and dad and I wash my hands and I pay attention. Love, Shannon Lowry, kindergarten

Santa Claus, please bring me some baseball cards, some football cards. Also a remote-control race car. A machine gun for sure. I would also love to get a Michaelangelo Ninja Turtle. Thanks. Braden.

10 Years Ago

Dec. 22, 2010

The Haxtun Bulldog football team is without a head coach following the resignation of Dave Shafer. Haxtun Board of Education members accepted Shafer's resignation during a meeting on Dec. 15. Shafer's letters did not give a reason for the resignation.

The Haxtun-Fleming Herald changes ownership on Jan. 1, 2011 as new owners Spring N. Atchison and Candie M. Salyards take over a Co-Publishers. Salyards and Atchison formed a corporation, HF Herald, Inc., which purchased the Herald effective Jan. 1.

Atchison began her full-time employment at the Herald in January 2005, first working as office manager but later taking over production of advertising and pages. She also serves as photographer when needed, copy editor and covers Fleming High School sports.

Salyards worked at the Herald from 2001 to 2005, but then left to pursue other interests. She returned to the Herald in August 2008 and now serves as managing editor. Her duties include editorial content, reporting, photography, production as needed and copy editor.


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