What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Times Past

85 Years Ago - Feb. 5, 1936

13 Years Ago

Feb. 5, 1936

Death brought sorrow to the family of Mr. and Mrs. G.B. Hire twice within 12 hours last Saturday. By the strange hand of fate, a sister of Mrs. Hire's passed away in Curtis, Neb., a few hours after Mr. Hire's sister died in Haxtun. Mrs. Hire's sister was Mrs. Catherine Nichoali, 59. Mr. Hire's sister was Mrs. Faye A. Green, 54, who had been visiting with the Hires.

Three carloads of pipe for Haxtun's new water mains were unloaded here this week by WPA laborers. One carload of the pipe has been moved by the men and is being placed along the ditch. Other materials, incl...


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