What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Fleming Town Council hears of fire at water tower

The Fleming Town Council met for their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 9 at the Fleming Community Center. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Sue Einspahr at 6:30 p.m. The following council members were present DeeAnn Christopher (arrived at 6:37 p.m.), Levi Lowe, John Stone and Ken MacCrone. Nancy Glaspie was absent. Also present were Clay Gorman, Michelle Asfeld, Keith Beck (left at 6:56 p.m.) and Jeff Rice (Journal Advocate).

Additions/Corrections to the Agenda: None.

Public Comment: None.

Consent Agenda: A motion was made and seconded to approve the consent agenda with a correction to the Jan. 12 minutes, all voted and the motion passed.

Electric Report: None.

Water Report: Beck told the Council there was a small fire at the North Water Tower. The fire was contained and pictures were taken of the area that was burned.

Sewer Report: Beck told the Council that he is communicating with Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment concerning the water and wastewater reports he received.

Streets: Beck informed the Council that both of the town pickups are broke down. The Council discussed the options of fixing the pickups or looking for different ones. A motion was made and seconded to bring the white pickup back from North Platte, Neb. and repair it, all voted and the motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report: Gorman presented the Treasurer’s Report. The General Fund contains $124,361.15, Electric $114,377.94, Water $98,969.73, Sewer $110,770.04 for a NOW Account total of $448,478.86. The MMA balance is $2,542.62 and the CTF balance is $11,125.18 for a total of $462,146.66 in all accounts. He told the Council that Colorado Intergovernmental Risk Sharing Agency is looking into the damage caused by the 2020 hail storm. A motion was made and seconded to approve the Treasurer’s Report, all voted and the motion passed.

Clerk’s Report: None.

Health and Safety: MacCrone brought it to the attention of the Council that there is an unlicensed vehicle in town. The Council discussed what can be done. MacCrone will address the issue with the sheriff.

Parks and Recreation: Zoning for the Wild Horse Ridge Subdivision was discussed. The Planning and Zoning Committee will meet to discuss zoning changes and give their recommendation to the Council. The Council also discussed the annexation of the Heritage Museum and Recreation Area.

Action Items: A motion was made and seconded to offer the part-time Treasurer’s position to the most qualified applicant. If that individual does not accept the position, the position will be advertised again, all voted and the motion passed.

Council Concerns: The Council is taking under advisement the possible resignation of a council member in June.

Executive Session: None.

Upcoming Meetings: Town Council Meeting on March 9 at 6:30 p.m. at the Fleming Community Center.

Adjournment: A motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 7:41 p.m., all voted and the motion passed.


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