What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Haxtun FCCLA Chapter holds year-end recognition ceremony

Haxtun Chapter of Future Career and Community Leaders of America held an end-of-year recognition ceremony on Thursday, April 29 at the Haxtun Community Center. It had been two years since the last end of the year recognition program.

This year members were unable to attend anything in person per the State requirements of all CTE. The State conference was held virtually this month and FCCLA members were able to watch parts of it in the classroom. Student members have persevered throughout this entire year of unknowns.

Jeff Miner served as Colorado FCCLA Vice President of Membership. He persevered through this 2020-21 year as a State officer virtually. Officers were never able to do any part of the term in person. Miner planned and participated in the State FCCLA Conference, "Walk the Red." Macie Davis served as the local voting delegate. The major voting decision was to move forward with holding the State Conference. All of these decisions were new this year so all had to be voted on with the State of Colorado.

Gianna Swan ran for a Northeastern Plains District Officer position and will serve as the 2021-22 Treasurer.

The local Chapter hosted a canned food drive competition in December 2019. FCCLA donated all food items to the food bank in Haxtun. The Chapter was able to give the juniors an extended lunch hour for winning by donating the most food items.

Haxtun, Merino, Brush and Holyoke high school FCCLA chapters gathered together in March 2020 for a District FCCLA Competition. Students all presented projects and all judged other projects as well. Students worked together to improve before heading off to the State Conference. Adult judges helped give students project winning tips. Unfortunately the State conference was cancelled for 2020.

The local Chapter recognized Macie Davis for a Bronze in Career Investigation. Seniors recognized were Rylee Lundgren, Lydia Contreras, Genisus Gonzales, Alex Luna and Yeidy Mendoza.

Outgoing Vice President Genisus Gonzales handed the gavel to Jeff Miner who will serve as the 2021-22 President of FCCLA. Other officers include AJ Calderon, Vice President; Cassidy Goodwin, Public Relations; Davis, Secretary; and Swan, Treasurer. Chapter members all repeated the creed together and the meeting was adjourned.


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