What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Under the Wire

New technology

Years ago, when men began constructing buildings too tall for the average person to walk the stairs to the top floor, someone invented the elevator. As a small boy, my parents occasionally took my sister and I to Denver where several tall buildings existed. Highlight of our day was stepping into an elevator’s open doorway, having it miraculously close behind us and having a well-dressed man ask, “What floor?” Our guide, the elevator operator would push a few buttons on the wall and the entire room, people and all, would begin a vertical ride up or down to destinations unknown. After several trips up and down, our parents would decide we had annoyed the nice button pusher enough and they would make us get off. My sister cried. I was too old for that. Just pouted for half an hour.

Tall buildings have gotten taller, elevators still go up and down but gone is the button pusher guy. Often, a robotic sounding voice reminds us to stand clear of the closing door and even reminds us to push the button for our destination. I have noticed lately how many of these recorded voices seem to be telling us what to do. Airport shuttle remote voices remind us where to get off, how to hold on and to move to the rear of the car.

These mysterious voices even find their way to our ranch. Recently we purchased a new television. Our son, David came up from his house to help set it up. I assisted him lifting it from the box and plugging it in. When a female voice told us “Hello,” and began asking questions, I was done helping. The mysterious lady and David worked together until the shiny new machine was doing just what we desired. Just when I thought I was at ease with these unknown people telling me what to do, I encountered a new voice that took courtesy far beyond anything I have ever experienced.

With David home watching the cows, Sue and I decided to slip off to the mountains to one of the “houses of chance” that offer various “one-armed bandits” Sue especially finds entertaining. After the long drive, I was in need of a restroom before embarking on my fortune making plans. As I walked into the lavish, well-kept outhouse, a voice startled me, “good afternoon poker players, John Smith your seat is waiting for you.” I stood around to see if John showed up because I sure didn’t want to take his seat. I then waited to see if the kind voice would direct me to my appointed location. After a few minutes, I decided I must not come there often enough to get assigned my own spot. Chose one, left in a few minutes and still am amazed at the major advancements in technology.

Wonder what’s next?


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