What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Fearless Faith

Next steps

Much of the work we undertake as individuals and businesses is to identify logical next steps in the work that we do, or at least be aware of them in order to make informed and helpful decisions. Most of the time it is to our advantage, but not always. There are times when simply being in one place is all we need to know or can do. In other moments we choose to forge ahead in hopes of something bigger or better. That is not all bad, certainly, but we often lack patience by wanting everything to hurry up and fall into place.

Transition to a greener planet will take time even though the urgency is great. Logical next steps identify courses of action in that regard. There is no single solution to environmental concerns, but instead a panoply of choices for everyone to consider. Why should that surprise anyone? It is how we evaluate our role in it all. Figuring it out is the tough part.

While we have come a long way from early settlers using dried meadow muffins for heating and cooking, wood has always been in the mix. Other sources of heat are relative newcomers to the game… hydrocarbon fuels, oil, natural gas, propane and now electric. Hundreds of thousands of new electric vehicles have been ordered by car rental companies in anticipation of a burgeoning market. All of these constitute logical steps in someone’s view, knowing that it is the sum of many parts that will determine where things end up.

It is partly why are going solar for our electrical needs. Even though it is a small installation it represents a choice that we deem useful in the overall move toward energy independence. It is a logical next step for us, recognizing that others might have different needs impacting their next steps. Is it the right choice? That might not be answerable for some time to come.

Recent remarks from a climate researcher indicate bad news in the direction environmental markers are moving. There is good news, however, in that the focus on small steps holds great potential for remarkable outcomes. Humanity is at its best when solving unsolvable problems.

Can the same be said for religion? Can we set aside differences regarding approaches to scripture, theories of salvation, interpretation, and revelation? It would seem that there is opportunity right now for everyone to evaluate next steps in their personal and corporate lives, including churches and fellowships. Problems that religious groups face are daunting, at times overwhelming. By focusing on next steps, however, there is great possibility for groups to flourish in spite of the odds against them.

Future church is both frightening and exhilarating. By considering small steps first, fear is hopefully and gently displaced by a sense of “can do” and cooperation. It’s not exactly what many hope for, especially if one requires a vanquishing God at the helm. But there you have it; Is there only one true God and gospel that finds us? The answer is not as simple as it sounds. Perhaps we can approach it one step at a time without fear and condemnation.


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