What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Times Past

85 Years Ago April 14, 1937

13 Years Ago

April 14, 1937

A county-wide meeting of farmers and businessmen interested in rural electrification under the REA was held in Paoli Saturday night. A kilowatt hour, which can be delivered to the farm for approximately two cents, is equivalent to one-half gallon of gasoline and will do the same work. Eph Johnson and Paoli was elected temporary chairman of the group of volunteers.

Sophmore play gets big hand from audience. Cast members of "Everybody's Crazy": Arden Sack, Clarence Rhodes, Junior Meakins, Marcell Harnden, Mary Clark, Jean Berkey, Lester Seger, Georgibell Smith, Phylli...


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