What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Fearless Faith

Camouflage faith

There are lots of ways to hide behind faith when it suits our purpose. The reasons are varied and broad, but the bottom line is that whipping out the Christian label sometimes becomes a way to deflect arguments rather than taking responsibility for actions. After all, who dares to argue when we summon Christianity as sole arbiter of our behaviors, no matter how egregious they might be? A 2020 census by the Public Religion Research Institute regarding religious affiliation notes that self-identified evangelical Christians make up approximately 14 percent of those claiming to be United States Christians, slightly less than mainstream protestant Christians at 16 percent. Neither represent a majority granting presumptive authority to speak on behalf of all Christians. The recent call for the establishment of a national religion by some high-profile evangelical politicos, as well as for ever greater entanglements with our governing structures, is as serious as it is disappointing and an extremely dangerous proposition at best.

Is it too much to hope for voices that are in actual concert with common understandings of Christ and his brief three-year ministry? Christian nationalism is neither Christian nor Christ-like no matter how you slice it. A minority cannot speak for the majority unless it is granted power and authority, something that hasn’t worked out very well in the 2,000-year history of Christianity. Such history is littered with atrocities in the name of both government and church, often working in concert. Have we not learned anything in all that time? Simply put, there would be few things more damaging to democracy than the declaration of a single national religion. Zealotry would abound. Those suggesting such a course for their own personal and political gain should be deeply ashamed.

Sooner or later, as conditions change, the ability to retain an obscure veiled Christian presence becomes more difficult. Nothing remains static over time including religious leanings. When the teachings of Jesus no longer jive with national intent, then it might be a good time to reevaluate our expectations. Doing so means leaving our camouflage behind and having the courage to truthfully state when the emperor has no clothes. We might continue to dress him or her up in ridiculous and outlandish political finery, but naked is naked, no matter who is telling the story.

Living the faith has always demanded a measure of discipline that includes bringing shortcomings to light rather than retreating in insolent disrespect. Jesus never ran from controversy and difficult moments. Acknowledging our own complicity in allowing mainline Christianity to be co-opted by political agendas (of which there are many) should be a wakeup call for all of us. As people of faith, we are called to live life fully and openly. No hiding in the weeds or retreating into the background. When we come out into the open, what shall be required of us? “To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with [our] God.” (Micah 6:8, NRSV)

Justice, mercy, and humbleness seem absent from current cultural debates more than ever before. There are opportunities each day to change that equation. As anthropologist Margaret Mead acutely observed, “Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” It worked for Christ. Perhaps it’s time for common sense faith to stand once again and be counted.


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