What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Under the Wire

It’s that time of the year

Well, Thanksgiving is over, didn’t get around to writing about it, mostly because I ate too much and slept through most of it. I’m sure you didn’t have that same problem.

However, with that behind me, the next holiday, Christmas, looms ahead.

For the past 39 years, have never missed a Christmas edition of “Under The Wire.” Am not about to miss number 40. Christmas is definitely my favorite because it lasts so long. “One day?” you say. Not for me.

Sue and I will put up our tree. It’s artificial so we don’t have to pick pine needles out of the carpet but everything else is genuine.

It will be covered with ornaments, some which date back to our own first Christmas trees, others made by our kids, grandkids and some from our late parents’ collections we inherited. Sue places the ornaments carefully, I stand back and randomly toss tinsel on any place it will stick, which Sue finds a bit annoying, but hey, it’s tradition!

Then comes the best part, gift shopping. It’s the only time Sue lets me go to town with money. After badgering each other for weeks asking for a list, we have them in hand, then begin our “secret” shopping trips, which invariably wind up with me walking through the ladies clothing department, hat pulled down low, in hopes nobody will see me walking through the ladies underwear section.

If I see one of the rare clerks assigned to that section, usually a lady, I ask for help. If I can’t find one, I’m not above asking some stranger for advice on what top and bottom garments go together to form a “outfit.” If I get lucky, one will recognize desperation and help me.

I’ve tried venturing into the household section, full of pots and pans, but am hesitant to buy any for fear Sue may think I’m suggesting she cook more, which I am definitely not, rather hoping my purchase of a 12” teflon coated skillet will somehow make her world a better place. She will have countered with a pair of leather work gloves for me, suggesting perhaps I could work a bit more. After 35 years of married bliss, no animosity appears, we hug and tell each other “this is just what I wanted," with as much sincerity as we can muster, then she adds the new skillet to the pile already in the cupboard and my gloves go in the drawer on top of last year’s still stapled together pair. We have tradition to maintain.

OK, so as usual, I have exaggerated a bit but make no mistake, Christmas is absolutely my favorite time of the year and I’m going to cover the front of our house with enough lights to light up a small city to let folks know “Christmas is celebrated here!”

May you all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


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