What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Times Past

85 Years Ago Sept. 21, 1938

13 Years Ago

Sept. 21, 1938

About 4,060 wheat growers in Colorado have applied for wheat insurance policies under the government's crop insurance program, with 403 in Phillips County, 303 in Sedgwick County and 275 in Yuma County.

Midway News - Sowing wheat and putting up hay is the order of the day in this community for the farmers.

Premium list for Corn Festival: Best 10 ears yellow dent corn, first, $10; second $7.50; third, five dollars; fourth, $2.50. Best 10 ears white corn, first, $7; second, $3. Best ear hidden corn, first, $3; second, $1. Prizes of 50 cents and 25 cents for first and...


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