What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Times Past

85 Years Ago April 19, 1939

85 Years Ago

April 19, 1939

Thousands of farmers and others who own horses in Colorado and nearby states will have their animals vaccinated during the next several weeks to protect them against sleeping sickness.

Paoli News - J.A. Miles returned Thursday from Arkansas, where he purchased a farm and expects to move within the next week.

Dailey News - Mrs. May Bamford and Opal spent the weekend at the home of Mrs. Bamford's son, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bamford and children.

If a man spoke to his wife only once a month, she wouldn't recognize his voice. Yet some men advertise only two or three times a year and then wonder why they don't get more trade.

70 Years Ago

April 21, 1954

Miss Marianne Kinzie is a member of the University of Colorado concert band, which will present a May festival concert at the university May 17 with Percy Grainger, internationally known composer and pianist as guest conductor. Miss Kinzie plays the trombone and is a sophomore in the college of music.

Fleming News - Velva Burton has been selected to head the Fleming Future Homemakers of America for the next year. Other election results: vice president, Inez Kinzie; secretary, Deanne Jo Heath; treasurer, Ruth Sator; song leader, Joyce Burton; corresponding secretary, Joanne Cheney; news reporter, Diane Barkley; social chairman, Darlene Acott; student council representative, Arlene Schlenz; parliamentarian, Janice Fetzer; historian, Joyce Johnson.

A new worthwhile club has been organized by some high school girls who will work at the hospital and also study and have classes about hospital work. The name chosen is HENS, which means Haxtun's Eager Nurses. Officers are Bonnie Mae Ruch, president; Astrid Franson, vice president; and Janice Baker, secretary/treasurer. Mrs. West, the county health nurse, will serve as instructor.

25 Years Ago

April 19, 1979

Second place winners at the Colorado FBLA convention last week in Colorado Springs were two entries from the Haxtun Chapter. Brett Garretson was second in data processing while the parliamentary procedure team placed second with members Jim Orth, Troy Whitmore, Rhonda Potter, Tammy Benesh and Chet Nelson.

Winners of the Cub Scouts' local pinewood derby were: Curt Jeffryes, first, Dennis Amen, second, and Myron Uecker, third.

Miss Betty Schropfer, daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Schropfer of Haxtun, and Mr. Tom Odell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Perk Odell of Akron, were united in marriage at Christ the King Catholic Church, March 3, 1979. Father Lee Smith of Akron, and father John Murphy of Holyoke performed the double-ring ceremony.

20 Years Ago

April 20, 1994

County treasurer Linda Statz beat the odds again grabbing the lone nomination from her party despite a challenge. She gathered 58 of 82 deligate votes during the Phillips County Republican Assembly held Saturday night in Holyoke.

Fleming kindergartners profiled: Joshua Stone, R.B. Reimenschneider, Bo Vandenbark, Jake Helgoth, Ashley Schlenz, Ryan Krier, Missy Meeks and Audra Dreier.

10 Years Ago

April 16, 2014

Pictured: Fleming Clerk Kim Harms administers the oath of office to new council members Cameron Harms, Sally Carter, Sue Einspahr and Kevin Koenig last Tuesday. All will serve four-year terms with the exception of Carter, who will serve a two-year term.

Pictured: Town Clerk Karie Wilson administers an oath of office to council members Lori Lundgren and Carolee Cloud last Monday.


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